Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lost in the Ether

I have a Google account.

I also have accounts with other websites and content providers.

I realize that this might not be the best idea in terms of security but, to maintain a few of the last shreds of my sanity, I try to use the same user name/password combo whenever I can.  If my "go to" user name is taken, I have a very short list of alternatives.

Despite my attempts to keep things simple, sometimes I do forget which user name corresponds to a particular website.  Recently, I forgot my user ID/password for my Google account.  This was rather frustrating, as I had lots of ideas that I wanted to write about on my blog.  Several attempts were unsuccessful, so I used Google's retrieval tool.  I got my user name, but then I couldn't remember the correct password.  Once again, I used Google's retrieval tool and requested an email with a link to reset my password.

And so I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

The email never came.

So I request another email.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait for another email that never arrived.

Strangely, I was able to log in on my iphone.  But on my laptop?  No luck.

I had to request a text message (that I will now have to pay for, mind you) to get a code to enter a new password.

WHY was this such a production?  And why did my emails get lost in the Interwebz - TWICE?

Grrr...  good thing this all got resolved, because otherwise you wouldn't be reading this masterpiece.